The flagship publication by the European Liberal Forum (ELF), “Liberal White Book – Europe 2030”,  forms the core of the work that the ELF performs, and is the backbone of our efforts in tackling the most pressing issues across European politics from a liberal perspective. As a text elaborates, we gathered feedback from over 200 experts, academics, and policymakers, the Liberal White Book aims to promote a set of proposals that would allow us to achieve a more united, liberal future for the European Union in 2030.  

Following the publication of the book, and in its tireless effort to spread and promote liberal ideas, the ELF organised a series of events for its roadshow. Rome, Oostende, Paris, Turin: these cities became the scene for an open, thoughtful, and truly liberal discussion on the values and direction of the EU, and a presentation on the main points of the Liberal White Book with eminent politicians, distinguished experts from the academia, practitioners, and representative from industrial stakeholders. 

On 20 September, in Rome, we co-organised our launch event with Fondazione Luigi Einaudi and featured MEP Sandro Gozi, Prof. Francesco Grillo, Daniel Kaddik (ELF Executive Director), Dr Antonios Nesotras, Dr Massimo Tommasoli, Prof. Emma Galli, and Prof. Pierfrancesco Lotito, as well as many participants online and in person. Here, we discussed Democracy and the Rule of Law, assessing how a democratic form of government remains the guiding principle in the EU. In this respect, the EU should continue its effort to monitor the respect of this, and consolidate the application of the Rule of Law, while simultaneously continuing to clarify the division of competencies between the European institutions and each Member State. On the other hand, participants agreed that the narrative of a shared culture and civilisation is equally important when it comes to building a sense of belonging and identity and fostering the “European way of life”.  

Liberal White Book Show in Rome with ELF Board Member Marco Mariani, ELF Executive Director Daniel Kaddik and Renew Europe Group MEP Sandro Gozi

On 8 November, our Liberal White Book was presented in Ostend, when different chapters have been considered together with Dr Antonios Nestoras (ELF), Belgian Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne, Kurt Claes, and Guy Verhofstadt (MEP). Among the topics discussed, the cooperation between member states on common policies such as fisheries and the cooperation injustice to help citizens in a post-pandemic Europe. Cooperating also means being more efficient, and the EU should think of itself as a global player and not just as a referee for the Member States. We need to become a more united union that is able to develop a plan for the EU to achieve Strategic Autonomy in important sectors such as supply-chains, raw materials, security and cybersecurity. After the panel, citizens participated in the debate with policymakers.  

On 1 December, the Liberal White Book Roadshow made its fourth stop, this time at the heart of the French capital, in Paris. The discussion around European Strategic Autonomy and Foreign Affairs focused on the main points found within the Liberal White Book chapter and led to an open discussion on how Europe should adjust its policies in the upcoming years: developing a clear strategy in the relations and cooperation with partners, carefully considering our relations with systemic rivals, and achieving real autonomy in strategic sectors such as defence, supply-chains and security. On the stage, ELF Roadshow hosted several distinguished speakers: Daniel Kaddik (ELF), Hilde Vautmanns (MEP), Guy Verhofstadt (MEP), Sandro Gozi (MEP), Valerie Hayer (MEP), Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade (MP), Ilhan Kyuchyuk (MEP). All the panellists agreed that it is time for Europe to address the important questions arising from the discussion around strategic autonomy. It won’t mean protectionism, but a strengthened coalition within the Member States that is supported by the institutions, to foster a European market that is capable of projecting its potential outwards along with the values that characterise the Union itself. 

The Liberal White Book Roadshow in Paris

In Turin on 9 December, ELF presented the Liberal White Book for one final time, this time in cooperation with its Member Organisation, Centro Einaudi, in a roundtable discussion with Giorgio Vernoni, Dr Antonios Nestoras (ELF), Francesco Cappelletti, (ELF), Vittorio Di Tommaso, Prof. Mariacristina Rossi, Prof. Lorenzo Magnea, Gabriele Elia (TIM). The discussion focused on the book’s chapter on Digitalisation, Connectivity, and e-Commerce, giving food for thought during a broad discussion around 5G technology and its strategic, geopolitical, social, and industrial implications. As in the book, during the discussion, the experts stressed the necessity of considering a holistic approach when it comes to the application of new technologies, which would allow us to be better prepared to use 5G technology in a way that would enhance every sector where it’s applied. However, it remains necessary to better communicate about the rollout of this technology and digitalisation in general, spreading awareness and acceptance among citizens. While regulations should not harm technological development, it is necessary for Europe to start thinking strategically on such important matters as new and upcoming technologies.  

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