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4 December 2024

Techno-Politics 2024 – Europe vs Future
Techno-Politics 2024

The third annual Techno-Politics Forum organised by the European Liberal Forum, took place on 20 November this year in Brussels, bringing together around 150 participants from European institutions, academia, industry and tech-enthusiastic community.

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20 May 2024

Nuclear energy is a socio-economic booster
nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is a clean, abundant, reliable, low-carbon electricity source that provides safe jobs and supports local communities. Why aren’t more countries opting for it?

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8 April 2024

Trustworthy AI and democracy: revisiting the basi(c)s 
AI and democracy

The polarised expectations of the interaction between AI and Democracy are a challenge for domain experts and everyday people. Is regulation enough to foster trust in AI and ensure the democratisation of AI initiatives?

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5 December 2023

Effective AI regulation in the EU and beyond: Towards a global AI Treaty? 
Europe artificial intelligence AI

In a world where all technologies advance quickly together with AI, what kind of future are we aiming for?

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4 December 2023

Europe’s future connected: Challenges of the European digital transformation and connectivity 
EU connectivity 5G 6G Commission telecom industry

The evolution of 5G and 6G technologies in the EU connectivity sector have been the subjects of extensive discussion by policymakers and the industry.

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30 November 2023

The role of emerging technologies in mitigating the energy crisis
Aviation sustainability energy

The case of aviation sustainability 

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14 November 2023

EU Pharma Legislation: A once in a generation opportunity  
Pharma industru

Industry perspective on the future of pharma legislation in the EU

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6 February 2023

25 – Changing a political opinion
Scottish independence

It is common knowledge that independence dreams are often risky business with complicated ramifications.

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8 December 2022

From concerts to political campaigning – how can the metaverse transform society? 
metaverse and political campaigning

Political campaigns have moved from the streets and squares to social media in just a few decades. It would not be illogical if political campaigns’ next move were into the metaverse.

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4 November 2022

Why Europe needs to open many more mines
Critical Raw Materials

The EU’s need for critical raw materials (CRM) has gone from being a slightly hidden issue to topping the agenda.

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5 October 2022

Turning CO2 into a resource
Turning CO2 into a resource - Ellias Rossel

Innovation in almost any sector is advancing at a pace that we have not seen before. “Science, Not Fiction” blogpost series explores these innovative sectors in pursuit of creating a liberal environment, to push the boundaries of science even further.

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9 May 2022

Realising the EU’s 2050 sustainability and industrial leadership objectives with aluminium
Realising the EU’s 2050 sustainability and industrial leadership objectives with aluminium

This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.

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