ELF is looking for policy and research support for its Policy and Research Unit.
Services: Policy and Research Support
Date of publication: 6 December 2024
Deadline for submitting tenders: 31 January 2025
The European Liberal Forum (ELF) is the political foundation and think-tank of the ALDE Party, with a network of 56 member organizations. ELF creates spaces for discussion on European policy issues and provides policy and research support to the European liberal family.
Within the scope of its annual work plan, ELF is seeking support for its Policy and Research Unit through the delivery of specific services and products as outlined below. The purpose of this call for tenders is to conclude a framework contract with a provider that will be able to provide services on a needs basis.
Services are divided into bidding lots within which a service provider will be selected on the principle of providing the best value for money. Service providers may bid for one or more lots. The maximum value of contracts across all lots is 60,000 EURO. The size and complexity of outputs are standardized across lots.
LOT 1: Editing of the Future of Europe Journals (maximum two per year, two service providers may be chosen)
Services needed: managing the editorial process, coordinating with authors, peer reviewers, and the ELF team, and overseeing final production.
Example of output: https://feu-journal.eu/
LOT 2: Editing of the ELF Studies (multiple per year, multiple service providers may be chosen)
Services needed: curating and leading a collaborative volume of policy research, managing contributors, and overseeing the editorial process. Ensuring the study aligns with ELF’s strategic goals while also facilitating its promotion and dissemination post-publication. Example of output: https://liberalforum.eu/publication/sustainable-competitive-the-eus-industrial-autonomy-facts-and-fantasies/
LOT 3: Delivery of Policy Briefs (in different formats) as a result of inputs received within the framework of the multiannual Innovation Policy Lab project (minimum two large-scale working groups per year)
Services needed: design of working group sessions with members and experts, editorial coordination with rapporteurs and editing the final policy briefs. Ensure that the labs deliver actionable, innovative policy recommendations in attractive easily digestible formats. Example of an output: https://liberalforum.eu/publication/renewing-europe-a-how-to-guide-
Service providers may be required to present the publication in ELF and other events, these services will be renumerated separately and on a needs basis.
Themes and topics of the publications will be within the scope of the ELF Strategic vectors: Technopolitics and Techno sustainability, geopolitics and Resilient Democracy, and Social Policy and Human Rights. More specific topics will be determined annually in consultation with the ELF Policy Manager. Please find the detailed description of ELF policy areas in the annexe below.
At least 5 years of experience in editing publications, policy research or similar services;
Proven expertise and body of work in the fields associated with ELF Strategic vectors. Higher
level education or academic background would be an asset, especially holders of doctorates in
fields related to the Strategic Vectors.
Legal entity registered in the EUMS, registered for intra-community transactions (VAT ID) and able to issue invoices. Alternatively, natural persons who will not be contracted for a value of more than 5000 euros due to Belgian rules.
The tender application, to be submitted in English, should indicate for which lot an application is submitted, it should consist of:
Please also include information about the company’s legal status: name of the company, legal address and form of association, structure of the company, VAT number and status.
If you need more information to provide an offer, please do not hesitate to contact gneralic@liberalforum.eu.
ELF will sign a contract with the provider of the services for the duration of 1 year. If you are interested, you are requested to submit your application by email no later than 31 January 2025 via Contact email: tender@elf-communications