26 Jul 2023 - 27 Jul 2023
London, United Kingdom
The ‘Lonely Europeans’ visit in London will promote the publication among stakeholders – representatives of public administration and NGOs, and liberal politicians.
Lonely Europeans is a project about loneliness in Europe. It identifies key dangers and costs of loneliness in Europe and points essential liberal solutions. The project consisted of a meeting in Warsaw and a publication. The previous one was a study visit of liberal experts in Warsaw, where they had a chance to visit innovative programmes run by public authorities and non-governmental organizations. The publication is an original study with high level of novelty written by experts from diverse liberal organizations from all over Europe.
The United Kingdom is a special place on the map of war on the epidemic of loneliness, as the first ever ministry of loneliness was created there. The study visit in London will promote the publication “Lonely European” among stakeholder – representatives of public administration and NGOs, and liberal politicians.