10 Sep 2020 | 9:30 am - 10:30 am (CET)
From Next Generation EU, the Green Deal, Digital Single Market and the Coronavirus pandemic, what are the stakes for this Commission one year on?
On 16 September 2020, Ursula von der Leyen will give her first State of the European Union speech. SOTEU, which will be followed by a plenary debate in the European Parliament, is von der Leyen’s opportunity to look back to the past year and ahead to the next. From Next Generation EU, the Green Deal, Digital Single Market and the Coronavirus pandemic, what are the stakes for this Commission one year on? What should liberals be watching out for?
In the next “On the Agenda”, we will be getting to the heart of what the European Commission is putting on the agenda for us for 2021 and beyond.
Opening Remarks:
Anastasiia Pravedna, Strategy and Membership Manager, European Liberal Forum
Peter Müller, Brussels Bureau Chief, Der Spiegel
Hans van Baalen, President, ALDE Party
Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General, European Movement International
Valentin Kreilinger, Policy and Research Coordinator, European Liberal Forum