About the event

The project Organising Freedom gathers organisational leaders from European liberal organisations in a series of events. The aim is to share and learn from each other’s organisational practices and experiences.  

This edition of our conference aims to gather organisational leaders from varying European parties and think tanks to share and learn from each other on how to evolve and make our work, organisations, and engagement more sustainable and fit for the societal challenges of the 21st century. The climate crisis will not go away, and we, as liberal political organisations who champion environmentally friendly political solutions, have a duty to practice what we preach. This will strengthen our credibility in arguably the most important policy area in our times. More broadly, it is also crucial that we further develop how our organisations create sustainable engagement from our supporters. 


09:00 Welcome remarks  

09:15 Practical information and ice breaker exercise 

10:00 SWOT-ing your organization 

11:30 Inspiring speaker 

12:30 SWOT-ing your organization. Presentations 

13:30 Lunch 

14:30 Insight from local parties 

16:00 Inspirations from home 

19:00 Dinner 

Tuesday, 2 July 2023 

09:00 World Café on new forms on engagement  

11:00 Inspiring speaker 

12:00 Inspiring speaker 

12:30 Evaluation 

13:00 Lunch 

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