03 May 2022 - 05 May 2022
Högberga Gård, Lidingö
Project Organising Freedom gathers organisational leaders in a series of events to share and learn from each other’s organisational practices.
Project Organising Freedom gathers organisational leaders from European liberal organisations in a series of events. Aim is to share and learn from each other’s organisational practices such as cooperation management, membership engagement, strategic planning and crisis management. The project consists of a multiday conference including masterclasses and two additional workshops.
For the Stockholm conference, senior organizational leaders from the liberal world are invited to discuss how their organisations have changed over the past couple of years. The conference focus is on what we will be taking with us into the “new normal”.
Please find further details on the sessions at the end of the programme.
Venue: Högberga Gård, Lidingö
12:00 Arrival of participants
16:00 Welcome remarks
Speaker: Milosz Hodun, Board Member, European Liberal Forum
Speaker: Magnus Demervall, Deputy Secretary General and Head of Policy, Centerpartiet
16:15 Practical information and ice breaker exercise
Moderator: Mikaela Hellman, International Officer, Centerpartiet
17:30 Informal networking
19:00 Dinner
07:00 Breakfast
09:00 Session 1: “The New Normal”
Speaker: Louise Pettersson, Project Manager, Centerpartiet
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Session 2: Mobilising and Creating Engagement
Speaker: Signe Krantz, Internal Organisational Developer, LSU
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Session 3: Strategic Planning and Coaching
Speaker: Louise Pettersson, Centerpartiet
17:30 Free time
19:00 Dinner
21:00 Networking in the sea spa
07:00 Breakfast
09:00 Workshop 1: The Making of Mighty Meetings
Moderator: Milosz Hodun, Director, Projekt: Polska
09:00 Workshop 2: Diversity is the New Orange
Moderator: Martine van Schoor, Head of International Office, D66
12:00 Evaluation
12:30 Lunch and departure of participants
13:30 End of the event
Further detail on the sessions
The world is opening up. The pandemic we thought would last a few months has lasted over two
years. This has pushed us as political organisations to change. But what are those major changes
your organisation has been forced to make, and most importantly: Will these developments last
when the world is opening up again? What are your best practises that will last into the new normal?
What major conflicts and crisis moments have you faced nationally during the pandemic, and how
have these moments changed your organisation at large? How have you faced them at a national
Without engagement from members and supporters, there would be no organisation. Meeting
people in the town, joining a training or having a political discussion in the pub. Meeting people
physically became basically impossible during the pandemic. What did this mean for the
engagement in your organisations and how did this force you to change? Which of your new ways
of working will last once the world starts opening up again?
The session will focus on exchanges in big and small groups between the participants to share
lessons learned from the past two years.
We start off with an inspiration session from The Centre Party on one of our most used methods for
creating engagement and supporting local branches, regions, and politicians in making roadmaps
and working towards reaching their goals.
Followed by a discussion and inspiring one another on the topic of strategic planning and coaching
of groups and individuals. What are your methods? What can we learn from each other?
Changing expectations from participants, rapid developments in technology and a volatile context
(i.e. covid and climate change) make continuous innovation necessary. Therefore, the workshop
brings people together to exchange ideas and get inspired about how to deal with organizing events
in this context. The main objective of the workshops is to jointly walk away with innovative and
creative ideas to organise events.
Regardless of how much we talk about technology, in the end every organisation relies on people.
And for your organisation to work, it is essential to nurture and grow your people. How do the
organisations in the liberal network go about this? And what roles do inclusivity and diversity play
in this? This is an opportunity to share best practices within the liberal family of how to recognize
each persons strength, and compare how each organisation works with different personalities and
cultures. With inclusivity and diversity as urgent topics, this workshop facilitates a much needed
and sometimes sensitive discussion.