LibMov is a new think tank, formed by Italian ALDE associate members, with the aim of promoting liberalism in Italy and of reassembling all the Italian Liberals who believe it is high time for their renewed presence in the Italian public debate and in the Italian political system. LibMov was not born in contrast or in opposition to any existing Liberal organisations.
In order to achieve our mission we think that the preliminary step should be the elaboration of a seat of political principles and reform proposals capable of reassembling the diverse traditions and cultural sensitivities existing within the Italian Liberal family that has been scattered for years across many different political organisations, and is therefore much weaker today than it could be.
Given that European integration has been – in the last 150 years – the common ground for almost all Italian Liberals, we think that making direct reference to our European common family could be an effective approach to gain supporters.
In addition to this we have set four basic principles more directly related to the present Italian public debate: the resumption of the traditional role of Italy in promoting European integration (a role miserably neglected in the past two decades); turning the page on the two muddy decades marked by political populism, continuous breaches to the rule of law and indecent public ethical standards; a resolute modernisation and liberalisation of the Italian economy also as a way to curb corruption, patronage and vested interests; separation of state and religion and related individual freedom.
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