This podcast is produced by the European Liberal Forum in collaboration with the Movimento Liberal Social with the financial support of the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content or for any use that be made of it.

Show notes 

The podcast, as well as previous episodes, is available on SoundcloudApple Podcast, Stitcher and Spotify.

The publication can be find here and the launch of YouTube here.

Stefan Larsson is a lawyer, Associate Professor in Technology and Social Change, Lund University, and a researcher at FORES. You can follow is work here and on Twitter here.

Claire Ingram Bogusz is a post-doctoral researcher at the House of Innovation at the Stockholm School of Economics and the Department of Applied IT at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. You can follow is work here and on Twitter here.

You can also know more about the work done by FORES here, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

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