In this very first episode of the Liberal Europe Podcast, Ricardo Silvestre (Movimento Liberal Social) talks with Daniel Kaddik, Executive Director of the European Liberal Forum. They go into Daniel’s professional path, from his university years to his current position. Daniel explains what the European Liberal Forum is, providing more details about its role and talking about some of the upcoming projects.

Later, they talk about new visions and approaches to promote liberal values and ideas, countering illiberal and populist movements. Ricardo wraps up with the calendar of ELF events for the month of May.

The podcast, as well as other episodes, is available on SoundcloudApple PodcastStitcher and  Spotify.

This podcast is produced by the European Liberal Forum in collaboration with Movimento Liberal Social with the financial support of the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament or the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content; or for any use that be made of it.

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