BOOK REVIEW – Robert Nozick
“Anarchy, State, and Utopia”
Blackwell Publishing, 1974
By Adam Mazik
What is the ideal state? Is it the “soziale Marktwirtschaft” of Ludwig Erhard? Is it perhaps the Scandinavian model? Maybe it is the “nightwatchman” state… Or is the ideal system having no state at all? Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974) by Robert Nozick is an intellectually engaging work by a bright libertarian radical. To this day, Nozick’s magnum opus is one of the most important—and the most respected—works in the intellectual history of libertarianism and classical liberalism.
Nozick’s book consists of three parts, hence the title Anarchy, State, and Utopia. The uniqueness of his argumentation lies in his method of reasoning.