First and foremost, we are proud to announce that we have completed 180 events this year and more than 60 projects in collaboration with our Member Organisations. One of our biggest successes was the launch of the Liberal White Book, a visionary publication for which over 200 experts worked together concrete policy proposals for eight key policy areas. We actively took part in the Conference on the Future of Europe with a four-stop  Liberal White Book Roadshow through several countries, starting from Ostend, Belgium, and finishing all the way in Turin, Italy! In parallel with our flagship initiatives, we also stayed on the, don’t forget to take a look at several monthly campaigns! To wrap up, we have conducted a first-time-ever Liberal Awards Ceremony 2021, and you can check out our prominent winners, their bios, and quotes here link.  

After such a full year, we want to bring you the top preferences of our readers and followers. Make sure to check them out – and dig deeper on topics that might interest you! 

Top podcasts:  

  1. Ireland Politics with Nathan Stone 
  1. “In Ukraine, Adrift” with Paul Frigyes
  1. Fighting Hate Speech With Uruemu Adejanmi

Most viewed On The Agenda webinars: 

  1. A Liberal Vision for the Porto Social Summit 
  1. The EU’s Digital Services and Markets Acts 
  1. The future of EU-China relations 

Most read publications: 

  1. Europe’s Strategic Autonomy in space, through space 
  1. EU Taxonomy and Nuclear Energy 
  1. Conference on The Future of Europe: Towards a New Social Contract and a Europe that Works for Everyone 

Most read blogs: 

  1. Protecting democratic processes in Europe from digital threats: the importance of intelligence agencies 
  1. Cyberattacks: how much do they cost us? 
  1. Protecting democratic processes in Europe from digital threats: the importance of intelligence agencies 

Thank you for all your support. We hope you join us for more stimulating debates and meaningful research in 2022.   

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