The current invasion of Ukraine by Russia is not a local war but Putin’s battle against the liberal West. It is his act of brutal opposition against the ideas like freedom, human rights and European integration. Kremlin has been working for a long time to undermine liberal values in Europe, and it used different methods to promote its ideological and political agenda. The long-term objective of Russian influence activities is to weaken NATO and the EU, and without understanding how Kremlin works, what harm has been done already and what can be done to prevent it, European societies will vulnerable towards future Russian attacks and European Union will be forced to use enormous recourses to repair all damages.

The main objective of the ‘Putin’s Europe’ project is to improve understanding of how Russia is conducting political influence activities against Europe and how liberals, on both European level and Member States’ level, can defend themselves from this influence. During the event 12 authors will discuss the topic of Russian influence in European democracy.

09:00 Welcome remarks

09:30 Round table discussion with all authors

Moderator: Francesco Cappelletti, Policy and Research Officer at ELF

12:30 Closing remarks: Dr. Milosz Hodun, Board Member of the European Liberal Forum

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