Since 1990, the International Democratic Initiative Foundation (Stichting IDI) is an independent yet integrated pillar of the international work of D66. IDI is committed to contribute to working for more sustainable, democratic and open international societies. The foundation supports democratisation processes in the Western Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East and North Africa in close cooperation with partner organisations. For this, IDI works with natural partners such as social liberal political parties, democratic movements and progressive non-governmental organisations. Respect for human rights and minorities, promotion of inclusive institutions and practice of sustainability are key elements of the projects.
Stichting IDI support the partners mainly through political trainings and academies, the development of liberal social thought and best-practice sharing. The projects are demand-driven and developed in close collaboration with the partners. IDI welcomes working with youth, women and minorities and considers geographic and gender balance in all activities.
IDI’s relationship with partners is mutually beneficial: IDI supports political capacity building of the partners in project countries. In turn IDI and D66 benefit from the exchange of ideas and experiences that is encouraged through this type of international cooperation. Projects of IDI are funded through the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Contact e-mail:
Hoge Nieuwstraat 30, 2514 EL The Hague, The Netherlands
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