Year: 2023

Author: Agnieszka Chmura, Projekt:Polska, University of Warsaw

Over 85 million Europeans live around the Baltic Sea in eight EU countries and Russia. Due to a shift in geopolitical realities, it is now prudent to re-evaluate the importance of the Baltic Sea.

First, a broad structural context is established to assure shared understanding of global challenges faced by EU nations in the region. Second, the concept of human security is outlined and explained in relation to liberal values. Third, this concept is applied and a fundamental analysis of the Baltic Sea is carried out with three leading considerations: 1) (geo)political security; 2) economic security; and 3) environmental security. Given the violations of rule of law by the Polish government in recent years, an overview of the latest events in this country is included , as they launch a meaningful turn in politics and public policy which will improve the cooperation within the Baltic Sea region. The paper ends with recommendations for the region with focus on governance and support for research and innovation, including more advanced use of financial and non-financial data.

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