About the event

This comprehensive conference, organized by the European Liberal Forum in cooperation with NEOS Lab, addresses the urgent necessity for an adaptive and resilient European Union budget that meets the future’s demands head-on. As Europe faces unprecedented challenges, from economic stagnation, high inflation and geopolitical tensions, the need for a robust financial framework that can sustain the continent’s prosperity and progress has never been more critical.

The programme includes:

This conference is a must-attend for policymakers, scholars, and anyone interested in the economic future of the European Union. Prepare to engage with thought leaders and your peers to explore viable strategies for a sustainable and prosperous European future.

Spaces are limited – secure your spot today for a brighter European tomorrow!


10:00 Welcome Address, ELF, NEOS Lab (tbd)

10:10 Keynote Address: Future-proofing the European Budget.

10:40 Expert Panel: The priorities for a European Budget.

11:20 Keynote Address: What Europe needs to deliver.

11:45 Policy Panel on the Future EU Budget

12:45 Wrapping up

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