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4 November 2022

Why Europe needs to open many more mines
Critical Raw Materials

The EU’s need for critical raw materials (CRM) has gone from being a slightly hidden issue to topping the agenda.

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5 October 2022

Turning CO2 into a resource
Turning CO2 into a resource - Ellias Rossel

Innovation in almost any sector is advancing at a pace that we have not seen before. “Science, Not Fiction” blogpost series explores these innovative sectors in pursuit of creating a liberal environment, to push the boundaries of science even further.

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12 July 2022

Fusion energy – 30 years from a breakthrough?
fusion energy

Innovation in almost any sector is advancing at a pace that we have not seen before. This new blogpost series explores these innovative sectors in pursuit of creating a liberal environment, to push the boundaries of science even further.

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7 July 2022

The future of energy independence for a Net-Zero EU and building a new world order
The future of energy independence for a net-zero European Union, and the building of a new world order

This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.

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20 June 2022

Short-term decarbonisation solutions for aviation risk to hinder EU climate targets
aviation climate targets

This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.

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9 June 2022

We can harness artificial intelligence to better protect biodiversity
We can harness artificial intelligence to better protect biodiversity

Innovation in almost any sector is advancing at a pace that we have not seen before. This new blogpost series explores these innovative sectors in pursuit of creating a liberal environment, to push the boundaries of science even further.

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26 May 2022

Sustainable bioenergy for a truly competitive and stable European energy system
Maximising the uptake of sustainable bioenergy for a truly competitive and stable European energy system

This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.

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9 May 2022

Realising the EU’s 2050 sustainability and industrial leadership objectives with aluminium
Realising the EU’s 2050 sustainability and industrial leadership objectives with aluminium

This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.

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4 May 2022

What Fit for 55 is missing and how it can correct course
Paper industry, Fit for 55, Pulp, cepi

This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.

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25 April 2022

Why automotive suppliers support a technology open road towards Net Zero Mobility
automotive industry

This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.

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22 February 2022

Should platforms contribute to funding network investment?
Should platforms contribute to funding network investment? by Gerard Pogorel

“Digitising Europe” is the new ELF Blogposts series that engage with policymakers, industry experts, and academics in order to contribute to a better understanding of how technological change is also driving social, political, and regulatory affairs.

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27 January 2022

The new Digital Service Act and the protection of freedom and rights in the digital public square.
Digital services act (DSA)

“Digitising Europe” is the new ELF Blogposts series that engage with policymakers, industry experts, and academics in order to contribute to a better understanding of how technological change is also driving social, political, and regulatory affairs.

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