Welcome the Liberal Europe Blog, the official blog of the European Liberal Forum. Let's bring new ideas to the political debate!
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9 May 2022
This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.
4 May 2022
This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.
25 April 2022
This blogpost series by the European Liberal Forum engages with policymakers, industry experts and academics to contribute to a better understanding of how to shape the “Road to net-zero” in the context of the EU sustainable transition.
22 February 2022
“Digitising Europe” is the new ELF Blogposts series that engage with policymakers, industry experts, and academics in order to contribute to a better understanding of how technological change is also driving social, political, and regulatory affairs.
27 January 2022
“Digitising Europe” is the new ELF Blogposts series that engage with policymakers, industry experts, and academics in order to contribute to a better understanding of how technological change is also driving social, political, and regulatory affairs.
17 January 2022
Liberal democracy and secularism form an unbreakable bond. While the institutional approach to religions may vary from rigid separation between “churches” and “state” (the French laïcité) to degrees of cooperation and regulation, religious tenets should never form the basis of state law, let alone affect individual rights.
17 January 2022
The pandemic revealed many practices by governments that took advantage of the situation to significantly restrict the freedoms of individuals under the argument of security and protection. In many cases, the lockdowns and state of emergency ended up lasting for months, sometimes without appropriate explanation, causing a direct impact on the economies of the countries and on the financial survival of the people.
13 January 2022
During Gezi, freedom of expression in a collective form was directed against the government. Although it was the same government behind the enlargement of the scope of fundamental rights and freedoms in the early 2000s, after Gezi, step by step, Turkey has lost its enthusiasm vis-à-vis any norms and principles of international human rights.
12 January 2022
The respect for fundamental human rights is one of the primary values of Liberalism, together with equal rights and equality in law, among other
11 January 2022
Given that digital transformation, content creation, and information consumption are largely taking place through social media applications and accessed through mobile devices, any deterioration on internet freedoms has an impact on press freedom.
27 November 2021
In order to assess the situation regarding human rights and freedoms in modern Russia, we first need to look into what has been happening in this area in the last three decades.
26 November 2021
“Digitising Europe” is the new ELF Blogposts series that engage with policymakers, industry experts, and academics in order to contribute to a better understanding of how technological change is also driving social, political, and regulatory affairs.
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