About the event

A growing ‘epidemic’ of loneliness and social isolation threatens our personal health and the health of our democracy. Research confirms that loneliness has deleterious physical and mental health effects which costs us millions of euros in health expenditure; it threatens economic system through decreased productivity, higher absenteeism and lower social trust; and it might be fueling a more distrustful, divisive and aggressive society. Regardless of this, many EU countries do not identify loneliness and social isolation as important health, social, economic and political issues. During the event in Ljubljana, Lonely Europeans publication will be presented, followed by a discussion on costs of loneliness and how to prevent and tackle loneliness and social isolation, pointing to liberal solutions and current strategies, guidelines and priorities across the EU and elsewhere.


16:30 Registration

17:00 Welcome address:

Alja Stanko | Institute Novum, Municipal councilor, Municipality of Vrhnika

17:10 Key note Speaker:

Felicita Medved | President, Insitute Novum

17:25 Roundtable discussion:

Patricija Frece | Coordinator of Home Assistance, DEOS Centre for the Elderly, Notranje Gorice

Dan Juvan | State Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Slovenia

Felicita Medved | President, Institute Novum

Tin Pongrac | President, Croatian Alliance of Mental Health Associations and Lifeline Association

Matej Vinko | Head, Mental Health Centre, National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia

Moderator: Ricardo Silvestre | Senior Political Researcher and International Officer, Movimento Liberal Social

18:50 Concluding Remarks and Challenges for the Future:

Ricardo Silvestre | Senior Political Researcher and International Officer, Movimento Liberal Social

19:00 Reception

The event is organised by the European Liberal Forum. The event received financial support from the European Parliament. The sole liability remains with the organiser. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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