About the event 

The Conundrum of the Future of Liberalism in Europe: Assessing new liberal narratives post-2024 European Elections
The 2024 elections and the upcoming policy cycle present a turning point in the history of the EU.
Liberal values and achievements are increasingly taken for granted. The scope and complexity of
modern challenges further underscore the added value of the liberal approach. In the aftermath of
the European elections and in the lead up to the UK elections, this panel discussion will take a
reflective stance on the state of liberalism across Europe – and discuss the liberal vision and
narrative for the upcoming policy cycle.

One of the main strengths of liberalism is its ability to embrace change and remain relevant in the
evolving context. As the world is rapidly transforming and the priorities of Europeans are shifting,
the beginning of a new EU mandate presents an occasion for the liberals to recalibrate and sharpen
their narratives and priorities. What does liberalism have to offer to citizens and to the continent as
a whole? How can we address the concerns of Europeans and make the European project deliver
on the liberal promise of security, freedom, and prosperity? Finally, how to maintain popular
support while pressing problems often require unpopular solutions while the empty simplicity of
the far-right gains popularity?
This high-level debate will shed light on the liberal conundrums that arise in the increasingly
challenging geopolitical and geoeconomic context that Europeans are finding themselvesin. Experts
and politicians from across the EU will share their first-hand insights from the June elections and
discuss how to coin a strong liberal narrative of the future. There will be lots of interaction with the
audience to hear from you about how your liberal narrative was received during the elections.


12:30-13.00 Light lunch served in the conference room
13:00-13.05 Opening
Speaker: Antoaneta Asenova, Member of the Board of Directors, European Liberal Forum
13:05-14.00 Panel discussion with audience participation
Baroness Sal Brinton, Vicepresident of the ALDE Party
Alva Finn, Executive Director of the European Liberal Forum
Petras Auštrevičius, Member of the European Parliament, Liberalų sąjūdis
João Cotrim de Figueiredo, Member of the European Parliament, Iniciativa Liberal
Tomas Vytaus Raskevčius, Member of Seimas, Laisves Partija
Moderator: Josef Lentsch, Founder and CEO, Political Tech Summi

whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London