03 Nov 2022 - 05 Nov 2022
Tell Me Your Story is a platform for learning and exchanging experiences on storytelling and emotions in communications for liberal organizations.
Emotional appeals are a central part of political communication. In Europe we thought we do things in a different way, namely that our politics is funded on facts and knowledge, and convincing people requires solely detailed programs and great policy papers. But we can observe that the success of populist and alt-right movements is based on something very different, namely on emotions and good story telling. Luckily, more and more liberals understood that, and showed that they can also be successful by using this strategy.
Tell Me Your Story is a platform for learning and exchanging experiences on storytelling and emotions in communications for liberal organizations. It allows liberal communicators to discus best practices on fighting populism/nationalism and learn from top communication experts how to sell a good story.
HQ of Ciudadanos, Ronda Sant Pau, 69 Barcelona
10:00 Welcome
Noemí de la Calle, Secretary of Institutional Relations in Catalonia, Cs
Miłosz Hodun, Board Member, European Liberal Forum
10:15 Inspirations from Madrid
Raquel Bañon, Communications Manager, FNF Madrid
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Brains & politics
Michal Tecza, trainer, Projekt: Polska
13:00 Lunch
The Market 67, Ronda de Sant Pau, 67
15:00 Visit in the Catalan Parliament
16:00 Political storytelling in Catalonia
Nacho Martín Blanco, Secretary of Communication & Spokesman in Catalonia, Cs
Anna Grau Arias, MP, Cs
19:00 Dinner
Casa Rafols, Ronda Sant Pere, 74
09:30 Exercse in the city
Sagrada Familia, c/ de Mallorca, 401
12:30 Debriefing of the exercise
13:00 Lunch
Pepa Tomate, Plaça Revolució de Setembre 1868, 17
14:00 Mastering storytelling
Emil Kirjas, Managing Director, Kirjas Global
18:00 Evaluation and follow up
Michał Tęcza, Projekt: Polska
19:00 Dinner
Xiroi Ca La Nuri, Passeig Marítim de la Nova Icària, 38
10:00 Individual consultations
14:00 Organizers’ evaluation of the projects