

18:00 ELF Brainstorming on Policy Document “EU Staged Integration” (optional) 

20:00 Dinner for the international participants 

Words of welcome 

Risto Penov, Minister, Self-Government, former LDP Leader


08:30 Registration of participants and media 

09:00 Opening of the Conference 

Monika Zajkova MP, LDP Vice President
Ilhan Kyuchyuk MEP, ALDE Party Co-President

Bojan Maričić, Deputy Prime Minister for EU Integration

Moderator: Emil Kirjas, LI Vice President, Founder of Kirjas Global 

09:15 ELF Panel: “Keeping up the New Momentum in EU Enlargement” 

Vesna Pusić, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister

Sabina Čudić MP, Vice-President, Naša Stranka

Vlora Çitaku MP, Former Minister of European Affairs, Democratic Party of Kosovo

Monika Zajkova MP, member of EU Affairs Commission, LDP Vice President

Kira Rudik MP, ALDE Party Vice President, Leader of Golos

10:15 Coffee break & Press Statement 

10:30 ALDE Panel: “Future of European Integration – What, How, When?” 

Ilhan Kyuchyuk MEP, ALDE Party Co-President

Liliana Tanguy MP, Member of Foreign Affairs Commission

Adrián Vásquez Lázara MEP, Chair of EP Committee on Legal Affairs

Helmut Brandstätter MP, Member of Foreign Affairs Commission 

Katalin Cseh MEP, ELF Board Member, Member of EP Foreign Affairs Committee

11:30 Concluding remarks 

13:30 Lunch followed by departure of participants 

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