In this episode of the Liberal Europe Podcast, Ricardo Silvestre (Movimento Liberal Social) welcomes Nathan Stone, an Irishman currently working at the […]
In this episode of the Liberal Europe Podcast, Ricardo Silvestre (Movimento Liberal Social) welcomes Nathan Stone, an Irishman currently working at the European Parliament for the Renew Europe grouping. They talk about Ireland: it’s internal politics, the effect of Brexit and the future of the integration of the country in the EU.
This podcast is produced by the European Liberal Forum in collaboration with the Movimento Liberal Social with the financial support of the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content or for any use that be made of it.
The podcast, as well as previous episodes, is available on SoundCloud, Apple Podcast, Stitcher and Spotify.
Nathan Stone is a graduate of the Universities of Oxford and Leiden, he has a keen interest in Irish and European history and politics. He is also a committed believer in European federalism. The impact of Brexit upon his home state, as well as neighbouring Northern Ireland, forms a large part of our discussion today, as well as Ireland’s journey in European integration – an adventure which Nathan considers to be among the state’s finest achievements in its nearly 100 years of history.