This publication provides insights into national and EU-level solutions shaping the region’s energy future, blending urgency with long-term strategy.
Edited by: Zinaida Zlatanova
ISBN: 978-2-39067-076-6
Since coal was considered a key driver of rapid post-World War II economic development and the peaceful use of nuclear power was negotiated among the six initial signatories of the Euratom Treaty, energy policy has been central to European integration. Yet energy has always been a crossroads of geopolitics, economic, social, and environmental policies. Therefore, it has been a sensitive issue on which countries jealously guard their competence.
This publication aims to provide an overview of the recent energy sector developments with an emphasis on the energy security aspects in the southern and the eastern ends of Europe in light of substantial geopolitical changes in recent years, as well as the specific energy situation at the national level in the region‘s countries. The publication presents a rapid snapshot of what has been seen as a working solution in an emergency and beyond. The overlapping crises provoked solutions to be taken simultaneously at both the EU and national levels coping with urgencies and building the foundations for the future at the same time.