Future Europe Journal Issue 4 is out and it delves into the multifaceted importance of European cultural and creative industries.
Editor: Dr Maria Alesina, European Liberal Forum
ISSN : 2790-3354
We are publishing this issue of the Future Europe Journal in the first days of the new legislative term. With the world changing at the speed of light and new challenges and threats emerging daily, only time will tell what issues and projects will mark these upcoming five years of the EU’s history. However, one thing is clear as day: defence and security have never been higher on the EU priorities list.
The past few years have put an end to all illusions. The initial shock and far-reaching repercussions of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine have caused wake-up moments and U-turns on both the national and European levels. The previous EU mandate has thus firmly brought the long-overdue issue of defence back to the discussion table.