This joint position paper with Renew Europe outlines the main elements of a real European defense union.
Current challenges to global stability call for more cooperation and coordination between like-minded partners. Renew Europe supports a strong EU becoming a significant security provider in the framework of an alliance of democracies defending themselves against malign behaviours originating from authoritarian states and other malign actors. In contrast, Europe is often too slow and insufficiently agile; it struggles to react on time and is not yet up to the challenge.
The time has now come for increased coherence and political willingness at both national and European levels. This Renew Position Paper outlines the main elements of a real European defence union. All the capabilities resulting from this roadmap must serve long-term strategic goals of protecting Europe and strengthening the rules-based liberal world order.
This document is a position paper adopted by the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament on 12 January 2022, which ELF publishes with Renew Europe permission. The opinions expressed in the document do not preclude any further developments in the group’s positions on that topic.