Violence against women in politics (VAWP) is a major obstacle to gender equality and democratic representation in Europe. ELF’s new publication explores the multifaceted nature of VAWP, analyzing its impact on political participation, public discourse, and the broader democratic landscape in Europe. The study categorizes VAWP into various forms, including physical, psychological, sexual, economic, and online violence, highlighting the ways in which such aggression is used to intimidate, silence, and marginalize women in political roles.

To combat violence against women in politics, the publication presents a comprehensive toolbox designed for political parties, policymakers, and civil society organizations. This includes legislative recommendations, institutional support mechanisms, digital safety strategies, and cultural interventions aimed at fostering a more inclusive and equitable political environment. The study emphasizes the necessity of international cooperation, stronger enforcement of legal frameworks like the Istanbul Convention, and proactive policy measures to protect women’s political participation. Ensuring a safe and inclusive political landscape for women is essential not only for gender equality but also for the integrity and resilience of democratic institutions across Europe.

About the author

Jasmina Mršo is an expert in working with political parties and political foundations. Currently the international officer of Naša Stranka, a social liberal party in Bosnia and Herzegovina, she also serves as the Secretary General for the Liberal Southeast European Network (LIBSEEN). Adding to her credentials, she has served as an elected local councillor in Sarajevo. A skilled capacity-building trainer, moderator, and experienced author and editor, Jasmina has collaborated with numerous local and international organisations and political networks. Her expertise particularly shines in training politically engaged women to realise their aspirations, evident in projects such as the Initiative 50% and the Balkan Women’s Academy, where she works as a trainer. She is also a member of the Alliance of Her Advisory Board. Jasmina describes herself as a ‘political nerd’ with a special interest in gender equality and women’s political participation, development cooperation, European geopolitical awakening, and EU enlargement.

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