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This joint position paper with Renew Europe outlines the main elements of a real European defense union.
This joint position paper with Renew Europe puts forward a proposal for a draft European Citizenship Statute.
This joint position paper with Renew Europe puts forward proposals focused on the resilience and sustainability of the food supply chain, the international dimension of food security, and other linked topics.
This joint position paper with Renew Europe puts forward a vision for innovation-driven industry fit for the green and digital age.
This joint position paper with Renew Europe proposes a new EU-China strategy based on four pillars.
This joint position paper with Renew Europe addresses how the EU can expose, attribute and counter disinformation to avoid fragmented or conflicted national regimes.
A pressing problem for animal welfare during transport is the current practice of successive individual transports, which counteracts efforts from single actors to comply with European legislation.
Renew Europe calls upon EU policy makers to take the interests of children into account from the start of EU law-making, to ensure children can enjoy the digital world in a safe way.
If improving SMEs access to finance was essential prior to the crisis,
it has now become crucial for their very survival.
We need to strengthen the EU’s role as a global player as well as
the EU institutions’ ability to take the next steps: the Russian
challenge is important.
The Transatlantic partnership is strong, deep and central to the rules-based world order but, in an international climate marked by growing great power competition, the alliance is facing serious challenges and both partners must adapt to a new era.
Even if it is still early to evaluate the management of this crisis at EU
level, Renew Europe can already draw some lessons learned.
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